How many tradelines should I have to build credit?

shapemy score
2 min readJul 20, 2022


Credit score repair is a tough and time-consuming task if done manually without any professional help. To get fast and effective results it is better to take the help of a professional credit repair agency. Tradelines are one of the most common methods used to instantly improve low credit scores. The process of tradeline means when you add an authorized user having a good credit score to your credit report with a motive to enhance your score. To get good results you should add authorized users’ tradelines to your credit report.

How many tradelines should you add to your credit report?

After knowing about the meaning and role played by tradelines in improving your credit score. Now another question that must have come to your mind is how many tradelines should you add to your credit report in order to enhance your credit score. Well, there is no specific limit about how many tradelines you should add. You can add tradelines as per your present credit score and the credit score you wish to achieve in the future. Adding very less tradelines might not give you desired results. Make sure you should add at least two or three tradelines and the tradelines you add must be authorized. Also adding too many tradelines might create confusion and instead of increasing your credit score goes down. So make sure to get tradelines from an authorized credit repair service provider and also take care of the number of tradelines to be added.

Summing up

These were some basic details about tradelines which will help you understand them in a better manner. Make sure you get your score improved from a reputed credit repair service provider having a good image in the market.

At ShapeMyScore we have a base of authorized tradelines with us. We determine your need for tradelines first and then add an adequate number of tradelines to your credit report.

