How can you boost your credit value with authorized tradelines

shapemy score
3 min readJan 31, 2023


Need your credit score to rise quickly? We don’t blame you, though. Your credit score affects many aspects of your life. The path to credit lines is facilitated by a high credit score. With landowners now increasingly requiring a solid credit score, it even makes renting properties simpler. In other words, it simplifies many aspects of your life. This is the reason why so many people, including you, desire to raise the score quickly. What if I told you that there is a sneaky method to purchase someone else’s favorable credit rating?

Let’s be honest. Your ability to get credit influences many of your big buying decisions. Low credit equals more expensive insurance, higher loan interest rates, and sometimes even outright loan refusal.

What do you mean by a credit tradeline?

An account that appears on your credit report is known as a tradeline. The way it works is that you may gain from seeing a good credit history if someone makes you the co-authorized user on one or more of their authorized user tradelines, such as credit cards.

Your credit score might be raised by new, favorable tradelines that are added to your credit record. You may have heard of parents who give their kids permission to use their credit cards in order to help them establish credit. Authorized user tradelines may also be referred to as being rented. Only the name is different in this instance. The idea remains the same. The same individual who adds you as an authorized user on their credit card has the power to delete you at any time. This method of credit rehabilitation has the following advantages:

  • Get loan approval: Your chances of acquiring a loan increase significantly if lenders discover that you are a co-user of a credit card with a high credit score. This is because the tradeline owner has a high credit score.
  • Get lower interest rates: This is similar to what was said above. You are now in a stronger position to seek for better loans and better or cheaper interest rates since you are now a co-user of someone’s tradeline or have bought a decent tradeline. Additionally, as you are aware, lower interest rates translate into longer-term savings.
  • Obtain permission for rental applications: As we previously said, more and more landlords today want a credit report before granting you a lease. After all, they must be certain that you can afford the rent each month as well. A strong tradeline makes it more likely that you will be approved.

How can a tradeline help you out?

A tradeline can help you raise your credit score and enjoy all the advantages that come with having a high credit score. You will have limited access to services from your credit card, loan plan, and a higher rate of mortgages without a solid credit score. In other words, you will have to pay more than normal.

However, having strong tradelines on your account will speed up the process of raising your credit score to 750 or higher. It only takes 25–30 days to raise your credit score when you purchase an authorized tradeline from a company like Personal Tradelines. You are added as an AU to one of their credit card accounts.


It is very difficult to trust a complete stranger because there are so many business marketing tradelines. To ensure that you are receiving the greatest service possible, it is crucial to conduct a background check on a business that includes customer reviews, ratings, and some type of money-back guarantee.

